They Exist

there is always an angel around you
Image by AlicePopkorn via Flickr

Though sometimes in the shadow,

Waiting for a chance to bestow,

Pearls of wisdom and awards too,

Some for me and some for you,

There are angels in our midst,

Yes, these angels really exist,

As poets and writers emerge,

These angels encourage and urge,

All authors to write about life,

From the depths of strife,

Or tell of demons in the night,

Who escaped when you decided to fight,

Describe the inner beauty of a child,

Mountains of snow or weather mild,

Sensitive we poets are,

Afraid of criticism and words that scar,

Yet we are joined at the heart,

Filling the net with our art,

There are angels who say,

What I need to hear on a very bad day,

“Good job, great work, we like you,

Please submit another poem, too.”

“Because you are unique in what you say,

Please stop and visit another day,”

I don’t hear the fluttering of wings,

But I know a lot about these things,

Kind words in the world are sometimes rare,

But the angels among us really care,

Trying to touch all with words of gold,

And helping newer angels their wings unfold,

Who are these angels, you ask of me?

Their presence is very plain to see,

For in their comments are jewels and gold,

Encouraging, urging, with words so bold.

27 thoughts on “They Exist

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    1. Angels are special, aren’t they? Happy rally to you.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  1. Lovely, lovely poem, Dan. I have always believed in angels, earthly and heavenly, so this poem is spot on in my book. Besides, wings are very attractive aren’t they?

    1. Angels and demons are real to me. And yes, I do find wings to be attractive, whether angel, faery, or butterfly.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  2. I just love your descriptive phrasing Dan, and the pull of the words you’ve used, I think kind words are rare because some hoard them like gold dust, little realising that the more they’re shared the better they become … Thank you for sharing this poem..xPenx

    1. Pen, thanks for sharing your kind words, and as always expect your words to be woven into a poem, bringing intriguing thoughts, or wrapped around your wonderful characters, keeping them warm and dear to the heart.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Angels surround us at times and give us comfort and often protect us from demons. We spout off problems and encourage angels to listen and not to comment. They’re there for us, ready to give us tender loving care. I have to turn my angels loose and let them do the jobs they were intended to do. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  3. well dan
    i do have
    a little devil in me
    having been raised by a minister
    & a god fearing mother
    it’s hard not to believe
    in the supernatural
    here’s a nugget brother

    well done
    enjoyable read

    the poet


    1. You’re welcome. Your comments and poems have been inspirational to many, and I would say you’re an angel also.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I’m glad you liked that part. I think angels are all around us if we just look for them.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Isn’t it nice to be reminded sometimes that you are an angel? You’re welcome to visit any time. I hope you remember how special you are!

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I need as much help as I can get. I’m glad that angels are always fluttering around.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. David, your poetry is inspired and touches others. Angels help inspire you, and you, in turn, inspire others and become their human angel. Don’t ever forget how powerful your words and deeds are. Each poet is surrounded by angels and each of us carries the standard for truth and beauty forward. Where would the world be without those crying out in the wilderness? And were would we be without patient and compassionate angels keeping us on the right track?

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I believe in angels as well as sad stories.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  4. Wow!!! Can I be an angel to you this moment? I’d say, keep penning as you have a talent to touch souls through your words…:)

    I wish we all have good guardian angels who will always be there when we needed them. Our angels and muse are synonymous I must say! But sometimes my angel hides from me…:)

    Very beautiful poem this one, must have been inspired by a beautiful angel too! Keep writing…:))

    1. My angels are both protective and fun to have around. You’ll have to read my new post, While blossoms are exploding, and see what I see.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

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