Condemned For Loving Too Much

Condemned for Loving Too Much
Poetry Palace Award

Loving (TV series)
Image via Wikipedia

“Condemned for Loving too Much”

All was quiet in this forgotten town,

Because of the record snow tumbling down,

Yet in the plaza crowds were shopping still,

Looking for entertainment to get their fill,

There were walkers, and talkers, shops all ablaze,

Restaurants still open but countless delays,

Marge was waiting patiently and talking to a friend,

This day had been perfect, she didn’t want it to end,

Somehow, she noticed him, standing off from the crowd,

His gray eyes fixed on her, haughty and proud,

His brown coat, his lean frame, the thin twisted nose,

Why she alone could see him, she could only suppose,

His eyes asked questions, the answers she didn’t dare,

What kind of man was he? One that didn’t care?

Was he an angry ghost or a demon of some kind?

Why were his thoughts penetrating her mind?

Somehow in his hands he held her new fate,

She thought, “Is it possible to love someone you hate?”

As this thought surfaced, Marge pushed it away,

She had never seen him before, not until today,

“He is not attractive,” she thought, “not in the least,”

But he continued to stare at her like she was a feast,

Her face flushed, and deep within the heat began,

Rising in waves until perspiration ran,

She was uncomfortable, she needed time to think,

But he watched her diligently, not once did he blink,

“Is it possible to love your enemy?” she thought,

“What is it about me that’s so eagerly sought?”

She was thirty-three years old for goodness sake,

And ten pounds too heavy, give or take,

Yet she was flattered by his attention even more,

Unlike her friends, all her faults he chose to ignore,

He willed her to move forward, but he didn’t insist,

Although she closed her eyes, she was helpless to resist,

Silently Marge turned, her demon she faced,

When he smiled, her legs trembled, her heart raced,

She took one step forward, two, then three,

She unbuttoned her blouse, letting him see,

She hated him and yet she was offering her kind,

Melting into love, her body yielding to his mind,

Seeking his hatred, demands, contempt to slay,

Doing what she could, loving his hate away,

An act of love determined Marge’s fate,

Is it possible to love, someone you hate?

All is quiet again in this forgotten town,

But there is one less demon standing around,

No one wants to question or be out of touch,

Should Marge be condemned for loving too much?

150 thoughts on “Condemned For Loving Too Much

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      1. Hey Dad,
        I do read your posts! Not always because poetry isn’t my thing, but I try to say the least. Usually however, I read them from my phone…not sure if it shows up on your stats.

    1. Thank you, Jingle. Share the love on Valentine’s Day and know you are loved.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

      1. Thanks, Ji. I’ll see what I can do.

        May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. You’re always welcome.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Long poems can be tiring. Glad you liked it.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Glad you saw through the facade. thanks for commenting.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. If we humans were simple there would be few questions for you or me although I think of you as complex and me as simple.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

      1. If that’s true, I remember with yearning ” … ’tis a gift to be simple … ’tis a gift to be free …” I suspect I live to much in my head, which is something about which both husbands and both parents complained. A telling thing …

        Happy days, dear Dan. Thanks for your poem-back on today’s post. I have added it to the post along with your link and copyright. Hope that’s okay. Such a gift for rhyme and wisdom you have. A blessing.

      2. Sometimes we believe what we’re told. Once I had a girlfriend who said I smiled too much and that made me look like an idiot. After that people complained because I was solemn. In teaching I was told not to smile until Christmas. You can’t please them all. It’s better to please yourself and God. Just enjoy who you are each day and you will be blessed and will bless others. Living in your head with your intellect is a paradise your husbands and parents could never go. Sad for them.

        May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  1. Loved this! What is that expression ~~~ the heart has its reasons for which reason knows nothing of … or something along those lines? I believe that you can indeed love someone you hate … the pendulum of emotion swings both ways and it does so in correlation to the strength of its opposition!

    1. Thanks. I hadn’t thought this story out as thoroughly as you did. Now I’ll have to read what I wrote.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I agree with you. I asked myself that question as I wrote it. Thanks for helping me decide.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I agree with you. I wasn’t sure if Marge was likeable or not. Good insight.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

      1. You’re so very welcome. I hope I’m not condemned for blessing too much.

        May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  2. Absolutely possible !! Call is crazy or plain stupidity .. But have not we all loved some one we should not have 😉

    Amazing !!!

    PS : I always love the lines you leave in comment box 🙂 thanks !

    1. Love takes us in directions we thought not possible, bounces us around, and sometimes leaves us smiling, but always a little wiser.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  3. I am just left mesmerised. It may sound ironical, but i seriously dont know what should I aptly comment, but simultaneously I could not resist to comment too!
    Thought provoking.
    Marge seems to have been just lead.. lead by emotions, lead by her insticts overriding all her mental conflicts within, to be resolved later.
    Loved it!

  4. Interesting poem! I kinda find it a turn on and pretty much scary.. To be attracted so much that you let reasons fly away and be subjugated by someone else’s will so easily.. now thats something every girl fears and wants 🙂

  5. Wow. That was chilling. From a feminist perspective, I am not loving the dominance that he has over her. But, you know, I am a cynical person by nature! Your poem pulled me right along.

    1. You are absolutely right. I wasn’t sure what to make of that poem either. I’m glad you thought it was entertaining. Thanks for your perspective. Dan

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thank you for your comment. Thanks for dropping by.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Yep. Kind of loving thin air. Liked your comment.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thanks for your comments and insight. You’re right.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thank you, Trisha, for your comments. Enjoy your weekend.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thank you, Debi. It’s always an honor to be nominated by poets and writers. Hopefully you’ll like my other poems or poem stories, like Going Camping, parts 1,2, and 3, and my current story, Sweaty and Dirty. If so, leave a few comments. If not, leave a lot of comments.

    1. Thanks, Jamie, for your encouraging words. Your encouragment means a lot to me. I have to post my thanks to fiveloaf, lynnaima, and Jingle and one more. I’ll have to recheck.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  6. The paradox that is love can rarely be understood but to reflect it in such beautiful and profound manner is victory in my book. Wonderful work.

  7. Wow..enjoyed it. It was gripping and had to read it in one breath! The way you rhyme and have taken the story forward is just amazing! 🙂
    If loving too much could be a sin,
    Many of us would be lost in the din!

    1. I’m not sure what my muse was thinking when that poem appeared. Thanks for your comments and compliment.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  8. Love is of the Spirit and Infatuation is of the flesh. I was taught to test the spirit for Love will not take advantage, so why have I true scares? Such a test will often take time to prove. So we compromise thinking that we would otherwise loose something more valuable; hummmm?
    This is a very good work Dan, because it teases me to question my heart!

    1. Thank you, my friend. I appreciate your comments even more.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  9. hi dan loved this poem i think you cannot love someone you hate feel love you once had but true love is never hating them just sweet loving feelings xxjen

  10. Hey I liked it!!! The notion of love depicted here is quite anti- puritan and ‘opening of the blouse’ is again suggestive of one of the seven deadly sins- Lust… May be because of the demon’s presence, I guess. Its a brilliant piece as far as metaphors are concerned. I dont know if you really intended it to be this way but thats what I interpreted from this poem.

    1. Not many people read that deeply. For most it’s merely a like/dislike choice depending on their own values. I appreciate your interpretation.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  11. No, people shouldn’t be condemned. But I’m not sure if this was love or she was under some kind of “spell”. And I certainly don’t think it was love from the side of the “stranger”–love doesn’t manipulate and create fear. I think she’s facing her own self-made “demons” inside of herself.

    Sure made me think–well done.

    1. If you had to consider her reaction or his spell, then I think I’ve done well. You’re right about love. It doesn’t create fear. Thanks for your insight.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  12. Not sure what to think about this one…obviously poor Marge has some self confidence issues…or maybe she knows exactly what she’s doing. Love is strange…Good write!

    1. The hard part is getting a poem ready. I’ll have a new one or two tomorrow.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Easter to you, as well. dan

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I’m always good. Been told that many times. You’re welcome for the poem.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  13. Enjoyed the piece very much! A well told story wrapped up in a thought provoking piece! Great job on the imagery and flow. Nice write indeed!

    1. They were interesting characters to work with. Glad you enjoyed it.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. jen, I need all the love I can get. I live alone and usually not interrupted by mankind or beast. Occasionally one of the neighborhood dogs will break out of their yard and terrorize until I go outside. They could run over the hill and away but when they spot me they run towards me, tails wagging so hard you’d think they’d fly off, knowing all the time they will be praised and disciplined. Sometimes I get a leash, sometimes not. My neighbors watch open-mouthed as we go through our drills, precision turns and following commands, as the dogs know they are under the control of someone who demands their best. They respond with excitement until I lead them back to their yards and tell them to stay. Long ago I trained German Shepherds and had a few of my own. Now, no pets. As for people– Strange contrast when I’m greeting people at church. I’m just a quiet, friendly guy. No dogs, but little kids run to me and cling, and some of the moms give me hugs, not satisfied with a handshake. That’s about all the love for the week, except when I get an occasional comment. So gothic love? Bring it on! And thanks! dan May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. Dear Luna, I’m at your command, recover fully is all I demand, and one thing more I want to say, have a truly wonderful Happy Birthday!!!

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  14. I was carried along in your poem and then read all the comments. All so interesting. I have to admit I don’t normally like long poems but I could not stop reading this one, I was waiting for her hate to turn to love.
    You certainly deserve all the awards!

    1. I’m glad you like this story/poem. I often get carried away with my stories and then turn them into poems. Too long for my taste, too, sometimes. I have fun writing and just don’t know when to stop.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  15. My favorite aunt, who is now gone, told me something once. I was trapped with one man, and trying desperately not to love another. I had so much guilt, though I had not done anything physically wrong. She told me not to blame myself. She said, ” Your heart, you cannot control.” That is what this brought to mind for me. Well done on the story poem.

    1. I’m glad you found it chilling. I’m surprised some find it just a love story, no questions asked. Perhaps I don’t understand all the ramifications.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  16. Dan,I loved the story but more than that i loved the way it questioned my mind. Is it really possible to love someone you hate? Is it possible to hate someone you love? Would we be condemned for loving someone too much for no logical reason? very thought provoking and nice play of words.

    1. Whazzup? Of course, Jen, I’m in. Or I would be if I’m not someplace else. Trying to come up with a special story. Can I write about you?

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  17. Wow… Very nicely written, I was quite smitten. And Marge is a brazen hussey! You write a good story in prose, I was hooked. LOL
    Thanks for the visit to me and for the lovely compliment.

    1. Jenny, love your pictures. You have a lovely weekend too. If you’re ever in the states, give me a shout.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  18. Hi,
    i just wanted to thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement. its hard knowing that you are dying, but most days im good with it. its just sometimes. like when i have a relapse on my daughters birthday… gets to me. you are so very kind. and i always look forward to getting my emails with your new works. and what you said it helped. Thank you.

    I didn’t just “fall” on her birthday, i was making her birthday dinner when i collapsed. she and her sister have been taking care o me since she was 5. I know she will be ok. my eldest is 19 now and a junior at Or state. finally taking care of just herself. it just eats sometimes you know?
    I just wanted to tell you so you understood better.
    lots of love

    1. Luna, we’ve all been dying since the moment we were born, some just faster than others. I’m not looking forward to dying yet, but neither am I afraid. You’re still beautiful to me. I love your posts and if I was a little closer I’d drop by regularly and tell you how special you are. I know the feeling of not having the strength to do what you want to do. Some days I’m not sure about tomorrow and other days I’m ready to arm wrestle death. Or maybe wrestle you, two out of three. Actually I fight depression as well as a few progressive diseases but the way I see it, growing old or facing death is not for cowards. On your worst days tell me you want to talk to me or breathe heavy or something. On good days tell me to get lost. Or just share one of your stories or I’ll write a poem or story for you or about you. Or you and me. Mild, medium, or spicy. If I’m going out I’m going in flames. And when I die I want to be doing something fun. Got any ideas? Hope you got a chuckle or two. Call–816-569-4339. My answering machine usually picks up before I get there. Say, “This is your friend, Luna. Wanna have a good time?” Or, “Dan, do you wanna take turns collapsing?” Hang on, girl. Don’t think you’re all alone in this world. You’ve got friends as well as two wonderful daughters. Someday I want to see you in person and when I do, say …..I already gave you two good choices. The rest is up to you. You’re a writer. Use your imagination. I’ll be waiting.Dan

    1. It’s all you say and more. Head and heart often battle it out. Your mind knows the right choice but the heart wins 99% of the time. Even when others are helping choose, I would still bet on the heart.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

    1. I’m glad you liked it. It’s been about 50/50 so far which I think is interesting. Some think it has moral repercussions. Others think it is a love thing. I like your take.

  19. When i started reading your poem i thought oh my god its so long… but i read on and i must say it was well worth it.. you drew me in and left me thinking and I felt a connection there too… great stuff… 🙂

    1. Thanks. Kris, your comments are always welcome.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  20. Interesting and compelling poem. I had to click on Marge to find out who she was. But I couldn’t see what the wine tasting link was for. I must have missed something:)

  21. Well here is my two cents: No marge SHOULD NOT, SHOULD NEVER be condemned for loving too much! WHO in their right mind would even think that loving too much is ever a bad thing….love, loving hard LOVING SOLID breaks down hate, fear and loneliness……only a fool would think otherwise or it’s their ego getting in the way. ….. love only brings kindness, showing your vulnarbility and undying love for another, even if they do not recipocates, brings about change in that mountain of doubt or fear….like your story ends…there is one less monster in the world because of Marge…GO MARGE your my hero!

    Wish more people loved that way. 🙂

  22. Great poetry Dan! I don’t know how long it takes you to compose such wonderful wit, but your prose does beckon me to sit. I appreciate your rhythm and mind guiding muse…makes me itch to find a sharpened pencil and paper to use. Takes a patient and crafty artist to pen, and share out loud what thought and feeling lies deep within. Thanks for sharing such wonderful work!

    1. Exactly. Perhaps that’s why life has been harsh for me.

      May the sun be on your face and the wind at your back as the Lord blesses you throughout the day. Carpe diem!

  23. HAHAHA wow, I’m laughing not because this is funny particularly, but because it’s just so good it made me laugh out loud!! I don’t know if I’ve been to this blog before but I’m DEFINITELY coming back! :] really captivating writing! See you again soon! :] xx

  24. It’s called lusting the man she hates, I think…and perhaps she likes to prove herself that she has the power to captivate any men in spite of her looks….that deep within her she got something to offer… hmmm very interesting story…I love your writing style. 🙂
    Have a great day Dan, and congratulations too for the Versatile award.
    You are great this was like almost a year ago. I am so happy about this.

  25. Was an awesome poem. Pulls me right to the end. Was it a real person, was it a demon? I ask myself all these things … she was totally taken in by his dominance … but with her being a possible feast, was it really her doing? Didn’t see that coming.

    This is awesome work. I’ll be following your blog now 🙂 #thatisall.

  26. I found your poam Dan unsettling but perhaps I read into it more then you were intending. Stan makes even evil apear good and uses our emotions to ensnare us.If we are looking for Love and acceptance he knows how to dangle the bait.

    Yes we are to Love our enemies and do good to them and we can by the empowering of The Holy Spirit, but we are to hate the evil they do and not join them in it. God tells us not to do evil to bring good out of it because in the end it will be evil too.

    If we really Love God we will not want to hurt Him or others, He is Love and won’t hurt us, we hurt ourselves by the wrong we do, we reap what we sow. Jesus has offered us a way to excapt the bondage of sin and punishment and be set free.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

    1. Sorry Dan it seems Satan being the Devil was cut short, good thing is he will be very soon and all those who practise evil to please him, will join him.

      Kind regards – Anne.

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    1. There are few who understand the depth and width of love. in many ways love is like the wind. It cannot be measured easily or divided into smaller pieces. it will continue to expand if used.

    2. There are few who want to understand the complexities of attraction and love. Often I am asked why good girls like bad boys. Good boys are often afraid or too shy to give girls the attention they deserve. Attention from bad boys is much better than being ignored or neglected. Besides, all of us are a mixture of bad and good.

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