The Visit

Remember Me, My Love
Remember Me, My Love (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The Visit


Let’s talk about how we feel


Because life is very real.


One day things will change,


And I’ll visit no more.




Remember the early years


When you came home and


Wanted to talk about your day?


I just wanted to sit and be quiet.


We compromised and I listened.


You cooked and I washed dishes.


I worked on the house and built a barn.


You took care of our household needs.


We were early to bed and early to rise.




Remember the years we shared,


The children we raised,


As  time flashed by


And the home that was blessed?




Remember how  we cherished each day


As we fought our diseases alone and together,


Sharing our pain and our love?


Do you remember all that, love?


I really miss you.




I’ve learned to talk while you listen.


Time passes slowly


And I wait patiently


For the moment


When we’re together again.






Me, My Wife, and the Other Guy

My Wife
My Wife (Photo credit: Abulic Monkey)


Me, My Wife, and the Other Guy


We sat at a table, the three of us,


Me, my wife, and the other guy,


Conversation flowed for awhile,


But neither could look me in the eye.


The place I sat was bypassed,


As words zipped and darted,


Like little birds flying to nests.


From time to time they would


Stop to consider and take a rest.


Both were annoyed that I remained,


And could find nothing else to do.


Joining in was out of the question,


Therefore I could do nothing but stew.


Her eyes bubbled over with images of him,


While his eyes were hooded and cold.


He wanted to do more than talk,


He waited to be reckless and bold.


Calmly I lifted my empty glass


And pretended to take a sip of my juice.


One false word, one slight misstep,


And surely all hell would break loose.


I studied the two in their interlocking worlds,


And decided I didn’t want to be there.


Fifteen years of married bliss,


And now she no longer cared.


Out the door and into the night,


Although I had no real place to go,


My heart was aching, my marriage breaking,


Life had dealt me a terrible blow.


With each heavy step from my house,


I reassured my shredded heart.


The future was cloudy and unknown,


But it was time for a brand new start.


I contained my anger and let it go


Without even raising my voice,


They had each other and I walked away.


For me it was the wisest choice.











The Love I Left Behind

Author: Bagande
Author: Bagande (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


My heart built walls because I could not trust.


With no one to care for my heart could rust.


I challenged my heart to venture out again.


Because of deep wounds, it was reluctant to begin.


I was helpless at first, but my love ran deep.


Soon I was searching for a lover’s heart to keep.


But walls separated us and soon I hastened on my way,


Looking for a new relationship to fill my day.


I searched desperately, yet I could not settle down.


A perfect woman was elusive and never could be found.


I became a victim of my own love/hate wars.


Bouncing from love to hate, I blamed failure on the stars.


But surviving was not living, I needed one true love.


I looked for guidance from Venus and Cupid above.


Dreams were all I had, though troubled from the start.


But I did not give up my search, orders came from my heart.


One last try, I decided, before my search was through.


That was when I got lucky, because love brought me to you.


Later I was chosen to lead the annual Valentine parade downtown.


I protested I was unworthy, for love had been hard to pin down.


Friends mentioned I had struggled while remaining gracious and kind.


Losing in love several times, I had scattered love and beauty behind.


I saw relationships blooming profusely all along my crooked way.


Then I realized love conquered all, and found the better way.






Our Valentine Tree

Anthropomorphic Valentine, circa 1950–1960
Anthropomorphic Valentine, circa 1950–1960 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Our Valentine Tree


We fell in love on Valentine’s Day.


The minute you laughed I knew.


I was destined to be yours, my love,


And I would be blessed with you.




We planted our special tree that year.


We cleared away the snow.


You insisted our love would always be strong


And you wanted the whole world to know.




You’re in my thoughts again, my love,


I imagine you under our tree.


Remember all the pledges we made,


And the passion between you and me?




The years passed by rather fast,


Then our kids were grown and gone.


We were there in our empty house,


Still together but each all alone.




My heart grew hard and I forgot our tree,


I insisted it blocked my view.


I was determined to chop it down,


Without even telling you.




It was early morning on Valentine’s Eve,


When I approached our special tree.


I was shocked and pleased with what I saw,


Then ashamed of the heart in me.




Instead of the tree being stark and bare,


Pink and red covered the tree.


Valentines and notes from all our years,


Proclaimed your love for me.






My love had been erratic.


There was little that I could boast.


But you were there as you always were,


Just when I needed you most.


My dreams and heart were renewed, my love,


By the valentines that covered our tree.


There was only one thing I could say,


“I’m glad you married me!”




I miss all you gave, my love,


And the tenderness you showed to me.


I want our love to be clear each year,


As I hang valentines on our tree.








I’ll Choose to Burn the Ice Away

Sparks (Photo credit: Gnal)


I’ll Choose to Burn the Ice Away


Why is it so hard to love you?


My cold heart snuffs the flames.


I want to respond with tenderness and love,


And call you sweeter names.




Why do I let the storm win out?


My blood rushes to my ears.


I want to demonstrate my love for you,


And gently wash away your tears.




Why do I disregard the condition of my heart?


My priorities have always come first.


I want to show you how important you are,


And satisfy love’s growing thirst.




Why do I wait to prove my love is true?


My motivation to love has been weak.


Yet I’m still the man you chose to wed,


I can give you the romance you seek.




I’m tired of the excuses I make.


My love lies dormant inside.


I’ll choose to lead my heart back home,


And forget my foolish pride.




I will choose to think good things of you.


Sparks of romance will turn to flames.


I’ll be thoughtful and you’ll feel loved.


Our love will never be the same.




I’ll wake in the morning with thoughts of you.


My warmth will seek you out.


And all the questions I once had,


Love will erase each and every doubt.




If you, too, choose to stir the embers,


The flames will reach the sky.


For love that learns to burn again,


Will grow sweeter as time goes by.




Love Changed Me

Love ? I love love love you.
Love ? I love love love you. (Photo credit: @Doug88888)




Love Changed Me


I was running fast and free,


Trying to keep you far away.


Somehow I lost my point of view.


On our first date I wanted to kiss you.


Because love inspired me.


You said you had a cold but I said it was okay.


I could wait for yet another day.


You wanted to text during finals of my senior year.


I could not risk failing so I refused.


But love taught me.


By the lake in the heat of summer I proposed.


It was too soon and I needed to be patient.


I don’t remember who it was


That declared I was not good enough.


But love improved me.


Your leg is draped across my legs.


Last night tender words were said.


You took up space I reserved for me.


But I enjoyed sharing my bed.


Love captured me.


Your smile was the last thing I remember


From our wild and perfect night,


During our wedding some things went wrong,


But all the things that mattered went right.


Because love filled me.


There are those who thought our love shouldn’t be.


Time will erase all their doubts, if I love you tenderly.


Love changed me.










She Sang

self portrait of sadness
self portrait of sadness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We were sitting at a table waiting for our food, bored with each other, wishing time would go faster and we could each go our own way.  That’s when the singer appeared.  I didn’t get her name nor do I remember the song.  Later I asked about her but everyone claimed she was a stranger and they had never seen her before.


She Sang

Her song was one of happiness.

She sang and my eyes filled with tears.

Memories came flooding back,

Forgotten after all these years.

She sang of love’s precious moments,

She was grateful for all that were shared.

Her music was filled with laughter,

Like our lives when we both still cared.

From the first date our relationship,

Was built on friendship and trust,

Communication, mutual attraction,

And, of course, a little bit of lust.

The first years were celebrations,

Encouraged by relatives and friends,

Our love was pure and magical,

We were sure it would never end.

The singer’s song changed to what was lost,

And I was filled with sadness again,

The feelings we had were gone for good,

There were too many wounds to mend.

Love might have been an overrated emotion,

But the singer said love was still worth giving.

It hurt when a relationship was torn apart,

But without love, life was not worth living.

Although I felt a sadness deep inside,

I would celebrate those years we began as one,

For those experiences were rich with love,

When our lives together had just begun.

Happiness and sadness blended as she sang,

And created a new song to heal our hearts.

All we had loved and our lessons learned,

Became the beginnings of a brand new start.

What Is This Thing Called Love?

Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Photo credit: Kaptain Kobold)



What is This Thing Called Love


What is this thing called love


That rips and tears at my heart?


Knowing how much love hurts me,


Why did I allow love to start?




Yet what is loneliness but a need for love


A void that cries to be filled?


An absence of love that teases in dreams


A restlessness that longs to be stilled?




Why do I have tears late at night


Endlessly flowing down my cheeks?


Is it because I’m desperate for love


And for the companionship my heart seeks?




When will romance come my way


Giving me a brand new start?


I don’t want to see a barren world


With no connections to my heart.




How do I find the one for me


Who waits for a heart like mine?


Where will I discover what is true


And find that new love divine?




I’ll wait and hope for ages yet,


I know she is somewhere near.


Soon she’ll be within my arms


Where I keep things I hold dear.




What is this thing called love?


No answer will suffice.


For it seems to be a combination


Of flames, sacrifice, and ice.




Words on Fire!

Words (Photo credit: sirwiseowl)


Words on Fire


When my muse comes around to inspire


My words dance with fire


Building castles everywhere


Out of dreams and thin air


Blending new romance with raw desire.




With each tale that demands to be told


Real stories become bold


Allowing characters to act


Mixing fantasy with fact


Grabbing audiences with claws that hold.




Because these words coax and seduce


Strong feelings they produce


Stirring embers deep inside


Where feelings cannot hide


Boiling hearts with their own juice.




My words are powerful on a page


Or when spoken on life’s stage


Gathering no moss as they flow


Becoming stronger as they go


Carrying the discovered wisdom of an age.




My words are restless and never tire


As they pull others from the mire


But they carry a deadly sting


If venom is permitted its full swing


Therefore cautiously I write with fire.










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